Troubling Limitations Placed on Morton Grove Mosque

November 24, 2004

Source: Chicago Tribune

On November 24, 2004 Chicago Tribune reported, "Muslim Community Center officials likely will accept next month what they call 'troubling' restrictions that will allow them to open a mosque in Morton Grove and end a two-year dispute with the village... The approval came with 32 conditions, including no high school classes, a 10 p.m. curfew on non-religious uses of the facility and a limit on the combined capacity of the mosque and a proposed multipurpose room of 675 people. The MCC's plan calls for the mosque to have a capacity of 525... MCC lawyer Yasir Aleemuddin complained to trustees that those restrictions were 'troubling and won't stand the test of time.' MCC members must now approve the agreement and dismiss a lawsuit the group filed last year against the village. The organization likely will discuss the agreement by mid-December, Kaiseruddin said."