In Religious America, Number of "Nones" on the Rise

December 4, 2003

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

On December 4, 2003 the San Francisco Chronicle reported on the increasing number of "nones" in America, individuals who answer "none" or "no religion" when pollsters ask them their religious affiliation. According to the article, some "nones" identify themselves as atheists or agnostics, but the vast majority believe in God, pray and often describe themselves as "spiritual but not religious." Nones "are one of the fastest growing religious categories in the United States. According to a recent survey, their ranks have more than doubled in a decade and include about 29 million Americans. They're easy to find in the West and are the single largest religious group in Oregon and Washington, where they make up 21 and 25 percent of the population, respectively. California is not far behind. Nearly one in five people in the Golden State (19 percent) say they are nones. Only the Catholic Church (with 32 percent) outnumbers the nones."