Interfaith Group Builds Houses in Atlanta

August 3, 2002

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On August 3, 2002 The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported that "for the next seven Sundays, an interfaith group of 400 Baha'i, Baptist, Episcopal, Jewish, Methodist, Muslim, Seventh-day Adventist and Unitarian congregation members will build a house on behalf of Atlanta Habitat for Humanity... They also are getting to know each other... Habitat started building interfaith houses a couple of years ago, but nothing as inclusive as this project, said Larrie Martin, executive director for Atlanta Habitat for Humanity. 'We wanted to expand. The impact of Sept. 11 just reinforced our desire to build that interfaith group and get started'... The crew begins each Sunday with a worship service from a different congregation... The house... will be dedicated Sept. 15, Yom Kippur."