Denison University Sukkah Educates Students on Religious Diversity

October 12, 2003

Source: The Advocate

On October 12, 2003 The Advocate reported that students at Denison University campus have built a sukkah as part of the Jewish Sukkot holiday. The Festival of Sukkot begins on the fifth day after Yom Kippur and lasts for seven days, and Denison University Jewish students build a sukkah every year in order to heighten awareness of Jewish traditions. According to The Advocate, the Denison students don't plan to sleep in the sukkah, but they do plan to eat their meals in it. "We're hoping they'll [students] see this and realize Hillel is active, and we would love for them to join us," said Sheila Everett. co-president of Denison Hillel, an organization whose mission is to create a dynamic Jewish community on campus.. "Also, we're trying to get some education on campus about religious diversity." There are about 70 Jewish students on the Denison campus. The event is co-sponsored by Denison Religious Understanding, an organization composed of every faith on campus.