Unitarian Universalism


a belief in one God that rejects the three persons of the Trinity that has much in common with the belief in the early Christian church about the superiority of God over Jesus and the Anti-Trinitarian writing that emerged during the Protestant Reformation. The first Unitarian church was founded in Transylvania by Francis David in 1567. In the United States, Unitarianism has ties to the Transcendentalist movement and to Humanism. As a denomination, the Unitarians merged with the Universalists to form Unitarian Universalism in 1961.

David, Francis (c. 1510–1579)

Founder of the first Unitarian church and court preacher to King John Sigismund, who convinced the latter not to establish a state religion but to instead declare religious freedom throughout the realm.


Universalism is a belief in universal salvation, that is, that all people are eventually reconciled with God and united in heaven. Universalists began organizing as a denomination around this core belief in 1793. They merged with the Unitarians to form the Unitarian Universalist Association in 1961.

Seven Principles

In 1985, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association adopted seven principles as a covenantal agreement, binding them to one another as a statement of belief. The Seven Principles that Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote are: 1. The inherent worth and dignity of every person; 2. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations; 3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; 4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning; 5. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our... Read more about Seven Principles

Flower Communion

The Flower Communion is a ritual during which each person brings a flower and leaves with another as a reminder of our interconnectedness. It was developed in 1923 by Norbert Capek, a Unitarian minister from Prague, who wanted to create a new form of communion that could bring together Catholics, Protestants, and Jews. After Capek’s death in a concentration camp during the Second World War, the Flower Communion was brought to the United States by Capek’s wife and today it is observed in Unitarian Universalist congregations across America.

Starr King, Thomas (1824–1864)

A Universalist and Unitarian minister, abolitionist, and zealous orator. He is credited by Abraham Lincoln as keeping California (along with its gold) in the Union during the Civil War.

Our Whole Lives (OWL)

Our Whole Lives is a comprehensive sexuality education curriculum for children, teenagers, young adults, and adults developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ for use in congregations and secular settings. The curriculum strives to provide complete and unbiased information about human sexuality so participants can make informed and healthy decisions.


The flaming chalice is the symbol of Unitarian Universalism. Typically, a candle within the chalice is lit before worship and extinguished at the end. Each chalice is unique; it may appear more like a goblet or cup with a stem and foot and be made of any number of materials.

Unitarian Service Committee

The Unitarian Service Committee is the original name for the Unitarian organization established in 1940 as a rescue and relief organization to assist refugees of World War II. Today, this group is known as the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and continues to advance human rights and social justice causes.

Servetus, Michael (c. 1510–1553)

A Spanish theologian who rejected the notion of the Trinity, arguing that the life and teachings of Jesus had been embellished well beyond what the Bible actually said. He advocated that Christianity return to a well-reasoned interpretation of the Bible. In 1553 Servetus was burned at the stake for promoting Unitarian ideas.

Deutsch, Hans

Austrian artist and refugee who, when commissioned by Rev. Charles Joy to design a logo for the Unitarian Service Committee’s work during World War II, created the image of the flaming chalice to represent Unitarianism.

Standing on the Side of Love

Standing on the Side of LoveWith a progressive legacy that includes the first American Christian ordination of women as ministers, Unitarian Universalism is continually committed to social justice. The tradition’s Seven Principles, which include recognizing “the worth and dignity of every person,” motivate many Unitarian Universalist congregations to organize in support of liberty, justice, and peace.... Read more about Standing on the Side of Love

Worth Shaping

Worth ShapingOn Sunday mornings, Unitarian Universalist congregations come together to light a chalice, create music, hear sermons, and pray or meditate. Worship services are meant to help congregants explore what matters most in life. Outside of worship services, Unitarian Universalists participate in classes, often on topics such as sexuality and religious education, and spend time seeking individual and communal spiritual growth.... Read more about Worth Shaping

The Flaming Chalice

The Flaming ChaliceThe official symbol of Unitarian Universalism is a flaming chalice. Originally a sign of refuge for those escaping Nazi persecution, the symbol now holds meanings as varied as the thousands of U.U. congregations that light chalices at the beginning of their weekly services.... Read more about The Flaming Chalice

Unitarian Universalism Develops

Unitarian Universalism DevelopsUnitarians—those who belief that God is a single entity—and Universalists—those who affirm that God’s love and salvation extends to everyone—have existed since the life of Jesus. In 1961, after centuries of persecution, the two strains of thought united under the banner of Unitarian Universalism. This theologically liberal and socially progressive religion welcomes the influence of many spiritual traditions, values reason and compassion, and lacks a binding creed.... Read more about Unitarian Universalism Develops
