For Young Muslims, Finding Devout Spouse in U.S. is Difficult

December 11, 2008

Author: Jennifer Garza

Source: The News Tribune


The meeting was well into its second hour when Tamir Sukkary let out a loud sigh, put his head in his hands and asked about chaperones.

Should we have them?

He knew this was a sensitive subject for some Muslims.

"Mahram? Of course," answered one man, an outspoken member of the committee.

After a 40-minute discussion the Matrimonial Singles Task Force unanimously voted to encourage guests to have chaperones for its Jan. 24 mixer for single Muslims.

Because it is the group's first event, members decided prudence is best. "It is important to be careful," said Sukkary.

The Matrimonial Singles Task Force at Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims, or SALAM, is believed to be the first of its kind in Northern California, and it is getting a lot of attention within the Muslim community.

The goal of the group, which is made up of men and women, married and unmarried, is clear: Help devout Muslims find suitable mates.

It is not a dating service. "The goal is to find a spouse," said Imam Mohamed Abdul Azeez, spiritual leader of SALAM.