White House Hosts Secular Leaders Today

February 26, 2010

Author: Michelle Boorstein

Source: The Washington Post


Secular Americans took heart when President Obama gave them a shout-out - believed to be a first - during his inaugural address, now they're looking to push the White House a bit more.

A group of secular leaders is coming to the White House today for what they say is a very rare meeting, a chance for them to speak directly to the administration. Among those who will be there, according to the umbrella group Secular Coalition of America: Sean Faircloth, executive director of the coalition; Kathleen Johnson, vice president of American Atheists and Jason Torpy of Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers.

And from the administration, scheduled to be there are: Tina Schen and Paul Moteiro of the Office of Public Engagement; Bryan Samuels of Administration on Children, Youth and Families; and Mazen Basrawi, assistant attorney general for civil rights at the Justice Department.