Vipassana Meditation Helps Prisoners, Businesspeople, Others

May 11, 2002

Source: The Boston Globe

On May 11, 2002, The Boston Globe featured an article on Eastover, a Berkshires, MA resort that attracts business leaders "from Merrill Lynch, Charles Schwab, Citigroup" and other companies, as well as other leading professionals to learn "an ancient form of meditation developed in India called Vipassana. It's not something you get at business school...For 10 days, meditators take a vow of silence.. They dine on a strictly vegetarian menu... They sit for hours, observing their own breathing and bodily sensations... 'It's the most difficult thing I think I've ever done,' says Thomas Crisman, a 60-year-old Dallas patent lawyer... Vipassana (vee-PAH-sa-na), which disciples trace to Buddha, blends science, ethics, and self-control. Its essential insight is that adversity or craving produce suffering that can be detected in bodily reactions - altered breathing, palpitations, for example. Concentrate on and observe those sensations, and you purge the suffering. Vipassana also presumes a code of morality and abstention from distractions."