Update: Religious Materials in Schools Up for Second Vote

April 29, 2006

Source: wwaytv3.com

On April 29, 2006 wwaytv3.com reported, "Brunswick County school leaders face a big decision next week. They've voted once to let religious material in the high schools with a second vote coming Thursday. Many groups are waiting to see the results. Board chairman Scott Milligan thinks letting any religious materials into the schools is a bad idea and will just open the door for all types of things... The board approved the first reading of the policy earlier this month after the Gideons asked to make bibles available in high schools. Since then Mr. Milligan has heard from several others. A group of parents emailed him, saying they are collecting money so Hindu, Buddhist and other earth-based religions can provide their literature. Another former resident wrote from Japan. Saying he would want to make copies of 'The Life of Buddha' available to students. Thursday Mr. Milligan got a letter and two books in the mail. One about Paganism and Wicca."