Update: Election Battle Over Oldest US Hindu Temple Continues

January 7, 2005

Source: WebIndia 123


On January 7, 2005 WebIndia 123 reported, "caretaker trustees of the oldest Hindu temple in America here have been accused of not conducting elections on the pretext that non-Hindus could gain control over it. And so the battle over the accountability and transparency of the management of 27-year-old temple Hindu Temple Society of North America continues. Krishnan Chittur, who represents Sambasiva Rao Venigalla and other petitioners, [was reported saying] that once the caretaker trustees 'realised that holding elections was inevitable, they are raising the bogey that non-Hindus would take control of the temple.' Chittur, who represents Sambasiva Rao Venigalla and other petitioners, made an offer to add a 'Hindu' requirement to the nomination form for trustees in order to preclude non-Hindus from holding any offices in the temple essentially on condition that such a requirement would not be made a pretext for another legal challenge. This 'Hindu' requirement will not be made an issue in any legal proceedings, and without prejudice to the generality, no respondent or petitioner will challenge or seek to challenge the ensuing elections."