An Unlikely Jewish Renaissance

April 15, 2010

Author: A. James Rudin

Source: The Houston Chronicle/Religion News Service

1. Which city, called “Faust's Metropolis,” was famous for its literature, dramas, music, films, art, science and medicine in the early years of the 20th century before it became the capital of a radically evil regime?

2. Which city during the 1930s was home to the well-known religious leaders Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and the Rev. Dietrich Bonhoeffer?

3. Which city, just three years after nearly being destroyed by Allied forces, was rescued from a Soviet blockade by those same air forces in an airlift that lasted 11 months?

4. Which city had its infamous wall of separation come tumbling down about 20 years ago? (Hint: it wasn't Jericho.)

5. Which city is witnessing the rebirth of a vibrant Jewish community 65 years after history's worst anti-Semite committed suicide in the same city?

The answer to all of the above, of course, is Berlin, the capital of Germany.