Tribes Win out over Farmers in Oregon Irrigation Dispute

August 22, 2001

Source: The Boston Globe

On August 22, 2001, The Boston Globe reported that "a convoy of semis and pickup trucks rumbled into [Klamath Falls, Ore.] protest the shut-off of federal irrigation water to farmers...Based on federal biologists' reports on the needs of endangered suckers in Upper Klamath Lake and threatened coho salmon in the Klamath River, the US Bureau of Reclamation shut off irrigation to 90 percent of the 220,000 acres of the Klamath Project [a federal irrigation system]. The action marked the first time in nearly a century that the interests of the Klamath Tribes, who hold the suckers sacred, and Yurok Tribes and coastal fishermen, who depend on the salmon, won out over farmers in Klamath Basin water allocations."