Study Suggests Need for a More Active Role of Women in Religious Leadership

June 24, 2005

Source: Houston Chronicle

Wire Service: AP

On June 24, 2005 the Associated Press reported, "While the 'moral values' debate has focused on abortion and gay marriage, many women involved with religious groups define moral issues to include economic justice and poverty, fairness and building strong communities, a private study says. Women should take a more active role in religious leadership and help define the issues that have been largely dominated by men, suggested the study this week by the Institute for Women's Policy Research. Women's roles in the church are growing, 'but they have not taken on as big a role as men in outlining concerns about religion and moral values in politics,' said Amy Caiazza, author of the study. Its findings were based on in-depth interviews with 75 religious activists, most of them women. It was supported by the Ford Foundation."