Student Club Offers "Paganism 101" at Portland State University

November 11, 2005

Source: Daily Vanguard

On November 11, 2005 the Daily Vanguard reported, "Pagans are not atheists — they just show reverence in different ways from other religions, members of a small but dedicated Student Pagan Association said at an event Tuesday night. The association presented a 'Paganism 101' program in Smith Memorial Student Union. The program by association co-president Jessica Potter, senior in computer science, and Michael Wright, sophomore in history, emphasized the different types of modern paganism along with their commonalities... The three most common pagan beliefs in the United States are Wicca, Druidism and a form known as Asatru. All three are different in many ways but share common themes. There are holy texts, Potter said, but they are taken symbolically rather than literally. Many practice divination, with such aids as tarot cards or runes. Others may ascribe energy to herbs or crystals... The Student Pagan Association is in its second year at PSU... The membership currently totals about 10 students."