Sikhs Join in Tribute to a King of Civil Rights

March 1, 2007

Source: Sikh News Network

Israel Baptist Church in Washington was filled to capacity with hundred of people of all faiths who came to celebrate the birthday of America’s legendary civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Among the many youths who spoke at the interfaith service was a Sikh girl named Sabrina Kaur.

Sabrina Kaur, 16, touched the audience when she read a prepared litany: “Martin Luther King opened so many doors for all of us... People of every race, religion and gender joined together to celebrate a wonderful, inspirational and strong-minded man who used non-violence to make his voice be heard.”

She added: “I, as a Sikh, relate very well to Dr. King’s philosophy as the principles he stood up for are the cornerstones of Sikhism - such as freedom, equality, and justice.”

Sabrina later said in a phone interview that her participation in the interfaith celebration has “made her bonds with Sikhi even stronger.” This was the second time she spoke at this annual event.

King led a non-violent movement for civil rights of African Americans that ultimately forced the government to enforce and protect all freedoms to all Americans as guaranteed by the Constitution.