Sikh Woman Fired for Refusing to Remove Turban

August 4, 2005

Source: The Times of India

On August 4, 2005 The Times of India reported, "The Sikh Coalition has filed a discrimination complaint with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in New York on behalf of a Sikh woman who was fired from her job for allegedly refusing to remove her turban.

Sukhvir Kaur's manager, Rashid Paccas, also allegedly said to her that Sikhs were 'thieves,' and that he preferred hiring Guyanese and Spanish workers over Indians and Pakistanis because the latter were 'dirty and nasty.'

But Paccas flatly denied he had asked Kaur, who had immigrated to the US in 1992, to remove her turban. Nor had he used any derogatory terms to characterize South Asians, he said.

He asserted he fired Kaur only because she refused to carry out his instructions... According to her attorney Amardeep Singh of New York-based The Sikh Coalition, 32-year-old Kaur, who had worked for nearly three years as a clothing clerk in the National Wholesale Liquidators store in Long Island City in the suburb of Queens, NY, was fired in October 2004."