Sikh Film Festival Kicks Off Heritage Week

October 3, 2008

Author: Jennifer Lee

Source: The New York Times

Governors love proclamations. Months, weeks and days are endlessly designated to draw attention to a wide buffet of causes and celebrations. They come with nice, official-looking documents with fancy scripts and seals. Constituents are happy. Everyone wins.

In his six months in office, Gov. David A. Paterson has already made 158 proclamations, including Beef Day, Blind and Visually Impaired Entertainer’s Week and Rabies Awareness Month. In just over a year of his term as governor, Eliot Spitzer declared Brain Injury Awareness Month, Arson Awareness Week and even a Paralegal Day. His last one, on March 10, was Multiple Sclerosis Week.

So today is the first day of Sikh Heritage Week, which was also declared by proclamation from the governor [pdf]. (Note that the Jews and Hispanics get a whole month, while the Korean-Americans only get a day). If you want your get your own proclamation, the state Web site encourages people to call the Executive Chamber Operations Proclamations group at (518) 474-6499, or to write to the governor.

Among the highlights of the heritage week is the Sikh Film Festival, which runs all day Saturday, starting at 10 a.m., at the Asia Society on Park Avenue. One short documentary, “Warrior Saints,” by Kevin Lee, profiles the Sikh community in New York City, centers on Richmond Hill, Queens.