Robert Wuthnow Explores Religious Diversity in America

September 5, 2005

Source: The Charlotte Observer

On September 5, 2005 The Charlotte Observer ran a book review of America and the Challenges of Religious Diversity by Robert Wuthnow. "Wuthnow draws on the results of the national Religion and Diversity Survey as well as 300 in-depth interviews conducted in 14 metropolitan areas, including Charlotte... Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims represent what Wuthnow calls 'The New Diversity.' He describes their religious beliefs and practices and includes descriptions provided by the adherents themselves. In addition, he indicates which American cities and towns are their primary centers. American Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims are keenly aware, says Wuthnow, that theirs are minority religions in the U.S. Their individual experiences here are quite varied and are functions of such variables as race, class, gender and location. But most say that living in the U.S. has been good and believe that American customs and laws provide the freedom and opportunity they seek. They are, however, dubious about engagement with Christians about matters of faith, fearing that Christians would be rigid and uninterested in furthering mutual understanding. And it is greater understanding that American Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims most often report that they want from American Christians."