Pluralism Project Film Acting on Faith Screened at Glastonbury Abbey

January 12, 2006

Source: The Hingham Journal

On January 12, 2006 The Hingham Journal reported, "Glastonbury Abbey's Inter-Religious Lecture Series, 'Listening to Other Voices: Religion and the World We Live In,' continues Thursday, Jan. 19, at 7:15 p.m. at Glastonbury Conference Center... The program features 'Acting on Faith: Women and New Religious Activism in America,' a documentary produced by Rachel Antell, narrated by Dr. Diana Eck. The film features three women: Dr. Laila Al-Marayati, who is the spokesperson and past president of the Muslim Women's League, a Los Angeles based organization dedicated to strengthening the role of Muslim women in society; Shamita Das Dasgupta, who is a cofounder of Manavi Inc., the pioneer organization in the U.S. to focus on violence against South Asian immigrant women; and Mushim Ikeda Nash, who is a community peace activist, writer, diversity facilitator and mother of a teenage son. Kathryn M. Lohre represents the Pluralism Project's consultation for this documentary film. She is the research manager responsible for student research with the Pluralism Project, Religious Diversity News and shaping the future of the Women's Initiative."