Parsis Stand Divided on World Organization

May 17, 2005

Source: Cybernoon

On May 17, 2005 Cybernoon reported, "Today, the [Parsi] community stands divided - there are traditionalists, who want to change and the reformists (or radicals), who want other races to embrace Zoroastrianism. The conflict started in the western countries, where Parsis married non-Parsis in large numbers and wanted religious rights and sanctions for their non-Parsi spouses and children. Today, Zoroastrian Associations in western countries want to form a World Body of Zoroastrians at the next World Zoroastrian Congress to be held in London in June 2005. Some Zoroastrian Associations in India, including the Bombay Parsi Punchayat, want to join the World Body and this is vehemently opposed not only by the clergy but a large body of people including a huge majority of Parsi Anjumans all over India who fear that recent converts will dilute the ancient religion, age-old traditions and culture, and gain access to Parsi Fire Temples, Charities and Housing Colonies."