Pagan Group in Danger of Being Dissolved

September 25, 2008

Author: Amanda Forbes

Source: The Lantern

Dwindling numbers and an inability to fill leadership positions is threatening to dissolve an 11-year-old student organization aimed at providing a forum to individuals who worship alternative religions.

The Pagan Student Association of OSU was created in 1997 to serve the needs of students who believe in non-traditional faiths such as Wicca, Druidism, Asatru and Goddess Worship.

Brian Blakemore, a 2003 graduate, has been with PSA since its inception and now serves as the adviser.

He said the organization is vital to people who have previously felt the need to hide their interest in pagan religions.

"These people tend to be very introverted," he said. "We try to provide a safe, open place for such dialogue."

Jan Krueger, primary leader of PSA, said that's exactly what she was looking for when she joined.

"Before starting college at OSU, I was researching student organizations trying to find a pagan," said the senior English pre-education major.

"This group helped me become confident in my religion," she said. "It has also given me a sense of community."

Blakemore said PSA focuses more on learning about pagan religions than practicing them.

The guidelines of the university require student groups to fill three officer positions with students who will be enrolled for the entire academic year. Krueger, along with co-chair Donna Campana and treasurer Christine Hakkio, will graduate after autumn quarter.