Non-profits, Volunteers Organize Health Fair at Queens Gurdwara

January 20, 2006

Source: Sikh Coalition

On January 20, 2006 the Sikh Coalition reported, "The 'Strengthening Families Khalsa Health Fair' is being held on January 22 as a result of the efforts of several non-profits, doctors and social workers. The Makhan Shah Lobana Gurdwara in Queens is one of the largest Sikh Gurdwaras in the country, in the heartland of New York’s Sikh immigrant population. The Khalsa Health Fair on Sunday will be the first of its magnitude and scope at this Gurdwara (Sikh place of congregation). The Fair is held shortly after the birthday of the tenth and last living Sikh guru, Guru Gobind Singh and is based on the Sikh principle of building healthy and strong families... Besides the Queens Hospital, several non-profit groups are supporting and contributing towards this initiative. These include but are not limited to: South Asian Youth Action, The Sikh Coalition, Sakhi for South Asian Women, CONNECT and New York Taxi Workers Alliance. Each organization provides services in Queens and hopes to extend their services to previously lesser served communities, such as this one. This effort reflects a holistic approach towards health and the fair includes workshops on depression, alcoholism, hypertension, domestic violence as well as health insurance."