Muslims Counter Government Program to Train Imams

March 2, 2005


On March 2, 2005 reported, "Dutch Muslims have urged the government to adopt their own version of qualifying and training imams with some help from experts and specialists across Dutch universities. 'The Muslim Council of the Netherlands, which liaise with the government on behalf of the Muslim minority, held talks on February 18, 19 with Dutch officials to direct the qualification programs for imams and preachers,' the Council’s deputy Secretary General, Edris Boujoufi, told Tuesday, March 1. 'We are now addressing how to translate the recommendations of these talks into action, including the right of the Muslim minority to prepare their imams with the help of Dutch experts and socialists.' There are some 450 mosques in the Netherlands, 1,000 Islamic cultural centers, two Islamic universities and 42 preparatory schools, according to recent estimates. Muslims make up one million of the Netherlands’s 16 million population. Turks represent 80 percent of the Muslim minority."