In Montgomery, "Children of Abraham" Bring Faiths Together After September 11

September 11, 2005

Source: Montgomery Advertiser

On September 11, 2005 the Montgomery Advertiser reported, "The Sept. 11, 2001 attacks did something for Montgomery's religious community.

At the time of the attacks, there was virtually no formal, core group of spiritual leaders of various religions to join. People were cordial, but they really didn't mingle a great deal or talk about the depth of their differences or the common threads of their faiths. They really didn't talk about their spiritual missions, hopes, fears.

But today, four years after the attacks, they do.

'We know each other better,' said Rabbi Kenneth Segel, whose congregation, Temple Beth Or, helped create the Children of Abraham, an interfaith gathering of spiritual leaders, mainly Jews, Muslims and Christians.

They meet about a half dozen times a year and at these meetings, they speak openly about their faiths and issues of concern in their communities."