MA Interfaith Group Plans to Reach Out to Non-Western Traditions

September 26, 2003

Source: The Daily News Transcript (MA)

On September 26, 2003 The Daily News Transcript (MA) reported that "for more than 20 years, the Westwood [MA] Interfaith Council has focused on building a strong relationship between Christians and Jews, said Rev. Stephen Smith, the new president of the Interfaith Council. After Sept. 11, he said the group has been active in understanding and promoting Muslim-Christian relationships. According to Smith, as president he will focus on expanding the organization and invite Hindus and Buddhists to join the group. 'I am very interested in the level of interfaith dialogue in the community and the opportunity to explore new faith,' said Smith. 'Interfaith dialogues are important because of the tension along religious lines, as religion is often misrepresented and misunderstood.'"