Lieberman Calls for Greater Role of Religion in Public Life

December 23, 2003

Source: The New York Times

On December 23, 2003 The New York Times reported, "Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut called on Tuesday for strengthening the role of religion in public life and took a veiled swipe at Howard Dean, who has run a steadfastly secular campaign. 'I know that some people believe that faith has no place in the so-called public square,' said Mr. Lieberman, an observant Jew. 'They forget that the constitutional separation of church and state, which I strongly support, promises freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. Some people forget that faith was central to our founding and remains central to our national purpose and our individual lives...' In emphasizing the need to connect with voters though the language of values and faith, Mr. Lieberman is trying to yoke himself to the legacy of Bill Clinton and the centrist Democratic Leadership Council, Mr. Clinton's springboard to the presidency."