Jewish Voters Favor Obama Over McCain, 57-30 Percent; Many Undecided

September 25, 2008

Author: Staff Writer

Source: American Jewish Committee{1031E98B-96D6-4CA2-A3FD-2A1E4411F777}&notoc=1

With less than six weeks to go to Election Day, American Jewish voters favor Senator Barack Obama over Senator John McCain for U.S. president by a margin of 57-30 percent. At the same time, an unexpectedly large number, 13 percent, remain undecided about their vote, according to a new American Jewish Committee (AJC) survey.

Regarding the vice-presidential candidates, 73 percent of American Jews “approve” of Obama’s selection of Sen. Joseph Biden as his running mate, 15 percent “disapprove,” and 13 percent are “not sure.” In contrast, 54 percent of American Jews “disapprove” of McCain’s selection of Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, 37 percent “approve,” and 9 percent are “not sure.”

AJC’s Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion is the first national poll of Jewish voters since the Democratic and Republican conventions. In addition to questions about the November elections, the survey also gauged the views of American Jews on a variety of other issues.