Jewish Students Struggle with Lack of Accommodation for High Holidays

September 30, 2004

Source: Grand Valley Lanthorn

On September 30, 2004 the Grand Valley Lanthorn provided a report on Jewish students' reactions to their University's accommodations for the High Holy Days. It was reported that, "Mandi Garvey, president of Hillel, a Jewish student organization at GVSU, said the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur - called the High Holy Days - are spent reflecting on and repenting for the actions of the past year... Garvey said it can be hard for Jewish students to balance the dual priorities of schoolwork and religious faith. Although Yom Kippur took place on a Saturday this year, it can take place on any day of the week due to the Jewish calendar, which is based on the lunar cycle."