Jewish Leaders Meet in Budapest to Discuss Challenges and Opportunities in New EU

May 20, 2004

Source: Ha-Artez

On May 20, 2004 Ha-Artez ran an Associated Press article that reported, "Jewish leaders from more than 40 countries gathered Thursday to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing their communities just a few weeks after the enlargement of the European Union. Participants from Europe, Israel, the United States, and several countries in North Africa were expected to debate topics including the role of Jews in the new Europe, the international impact of the Middle East conflict and internal strategies for Jewish communal development. The Third General Assembly of European Jewry has been organized amid tight security by the European Council of Jewish Communities (ECJC) and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. 'There is much to celebrate, but much to concern us,' Cobi Benatoff, president of the ECJC, said in a statement. 'As the European map undergoes change, there has been an emergence of instability liked to global and local tensions such as racism, anti-Semitism, the threat of terrorism, immigration, and unequal levels of development,' Benatoff said. 'This makes it all the more necessary to review the Jewish people's place as citizens with rights in this new Europe.'"