Islamic Feminist Draws Criticism From Men and Women

December 18, 2004

Source: Houston Chronicle/Los Angeles Times

On December 18, 2004 Los Angeles Times reported, "Drawing fire from men and women, Hidayet Sefkatli Tuksal is at the forefront of Turkey's unique brand of Islamic feminism. Disillusionment over male professors and colleagues' misogyny prompted Tuksal, a fiercely devout Muslim scholar, to investigate what Islam really says about women. Her findings, she said, reveal that, contrary to what 'so many men would have us believe,' the Islamic faith does not assign women second-class status. Tuksal, 41, is among an increasingly vocal group of Islamic feminists who are seeking to liberate their faith from male hegemony. Yet Tuksal and her friends are also fighting for the right to cover their heads in keeping with the Islamic faith."