Interfaith Meeting Discusses Being Non-Christian in the Bible Belt

September 26, 2003

Source: The Charlotte Observer

On September 26, 2003 The Charlotte Observer reported on an interfaith luncheon held by Mecklenburg Ministries that focused on the question, "What is it like not being Christian in Charlotte?" Religion reporter Ken Garfield writes, "We batted around the Billy Graham Parkway issue for a few moments. Some of us are OK with it. But one woman called it an embarrassment and said she always hopes her out-of-town visitors don't see the signs coming in from the airport. We all agreed with Naseem Nuri when she said it's proof that history is written by the dominant culture. Nuri, one of several hundred members of the Baha'i faith in Charlotte, led the discussion that delved deeper than road signs. She gave us a glimpse of her life in a Bible Belt town, where a fitness trainer at the Y once nagged her about coming to church and her two children have been asked what Santa is bringing them for Christmas."