Hindu Temple Near Maricopa Draws Worshippers from Afar

May 24, 2008


Source: Casa Grande Dispatch


Devotees came from across the globe, finding their way down Arizona 347 and through the rural lands south of town to the newest home for worshippers in the Hindu religion.

The grand opening ceremony - or Prana Pratishtapana - took three days to complete, as water was brought all the way from India to provide the power to be blessed by priests and then transferred to the inner sanctum of the temple. Prayers were offered, music was played and entire families took part in the intricate celebration.

Simply put, it was historic.

"To build the temple and do this ceremony is a grand occurrence," said Krishnamurthy Srinivasan, the treasurer for the board of directors of the Maha Ganapati temple. "Even back in India, very few people get to witness something like this."