At Halloween Time, Article Explores Paganism in US

October 25, 2001

Source: The Boston Globe

On October 25, 2001, The Boston Globe featured an article on Paganism. The article explains, "Paganism goes under many names, including 'wicca,' 'goddess traditions,' 'Earth-based spirituality,' 'neo-paganism,' and 'the craft.'" It continues, "Pagans base their ritual calendar on the idea of a wheel with eight spokes...[which] represent the cycles of the sun...and the cycles of the Earth. Together they provide the basis for eight festivals...[including] Imbolg, a February festival celebrating the return of life to the Earth." The article notes that "the thread binding all Pagans is a belief that the Earth is sacred. Their spiritual lives revolve around deities and spirits, many of which are connected to the seasons."