Halifax Serves as a Spiritual Center for Shambhala Buddhist Community

December 22, 2003

Source: Montreal Gazette


On December 22, 2003 the Montreal Gazette ran a feature article on Halifax as a spiritual center for Buddhists (specifically of Shambhala International). The article read, "As religious capitals go, Halifax is no Rome, Mecca or Kathmandu. Yet this fog-bound, former British garrison town has a strange but unmistakable status as a spiritual epicentre. It is home to one of the largest communities of Buddhist converts on the continent...Although some Nova Scotians have joined the community, most Halifax Buddhists tend to be American immigrants with a good education and liberal politics...they came here because their leader, Chogyam Trungpa, asked them to...There is...debate in this city about whether the Buddhists have changed the face of Halifax. Their arrival here certainly coincided with a flowering of sophistication and confidence in Halifax, and a neat synergy developed between the emerging city and the talents of its new residents."