George W. Bush and Religious Belief

August 4, 2000

Source: Los Angeles Times

On August 4, 2000, the Los Angeles Times reported that George W. Bush is all but certain to win the evangelical vote back that the GOP lost in 1996. While Bill Clinton won 37% of the evangelical vote four years ago, Bush is "using his own religious experience and the language of evangelicals to energize conservative Christian activists as well as to win the ear of more moderate evangelicals and open the door to African American evangelicals...In a survey of 4,000 Americans taken earlier this year by the Bliss Institute, Bush won approval from 77% of traditional evangelicals and 63% of less-traditional evangelicals. Bush has been careful to position himself between those who espouse the most fundamentalist views and more moderate evangelicals, steering clear, for instance, of espousing the teaching of creationism in public schools. "