Filling Cultures' End-of-life Needs

January 24, 2007


Source: Orange County Register

WESTMINSTER - Hung Vuong will never forget the day his mother died - for more than one reason. Vuong and his father drove throughout Orange County looking for a funeral home that would allow them to burn incense - a ritual that cannot be skipped or ignored in any Buddhist service. But in most places, it was against the local fire codes.

The family finally got the help it needed from Peek Family Colonial Funeral Home, the Asian-American arm of Westminster Memorial Park.

Peek was the first funeral home to employ Vietnamese-speaking counselors and salespeople - about 12 years ago. In recent months several area mortuaries have followed suit in reaching out to Asian-Americans, the fastest-growing major ethnic group in Orange County.

This Asian-American population increased by 76 percent between 1990 and 2000, a decade when the entire county's population rose by 18 percent, according to the Asian Pacific American Legal Center's 2005 statistics. In Westminster and Irvine, the group's population doubled during that time.