Editorial: This Thanksgiving, Let Us Give Thanks to Native Americans

November 26, 2003

Source: Tolerance


On December 26, 2003 Tolerance published an editorial by Jesse Villalobos on the selective and discriminatory ways in which Thanksgiving is taught in elementary schools. Villalobos, of Native American descent, writes,"My grandfather came from the great Purepecha people of the Pátzcuaro region of Michoacán — now part of Mexico. When I visit this place, I'm reminded of the selective history I was taught in the US. There I see a bare and unapologetic chronicle of history in plain daylight. I wonder what our world might be if we valued the souls of the people whose stories are still buried in shallow, yet dark graves across this entire continent? White, Black, Brown — we all share pieces of a broken story. This Thanksgiving let's reminisce. Let's take time to remember and give our thanks to the many Native American peoples who have survived against incomparable odds. Give praise to the children, mothers and fathers whose lives were destroyed to make way for what's now called the United States of America."