Editorial: Candidates Ask, How Would Jesus Vote?

July 26, 2004

Source: The Journal Gaze


On July 26, 2004 The Journal Gazette reported, "How would Jesus vote? That appears to be the great unspoken question as President Bush and Sen. John Kerry engage in a culture war for the hearts and minds of the elusive mainstream voter. Livening up the midsummer preconvention doldrums, Bush’s campaign leveled a new charge at his Democratic challenger: exploitative use of biblical Scripture... Considering the level to which political discourse usually sinks in election years, that’s a pretty strong charge. Why is Team Bush so touchy? Could it be because Kerry is reaching out boldly to cultural conservatives the Bush-Cheney campaign would like to think are all theirs? Why the sudden 'values' hullabaloo? A valuable clue is offered in a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll: Asked whether the statement 'he shares your values' applies more to Bush or Kerry, 46 percent said Bush and 48 percent said Kerry... Kerry could have a chance with disappointed voters in the middle who’ve been leaning conservative but have not had much to show for it... One thing that often baffles liberal Democrats is how morally conservative values often trump pocketbook economic issues, even among those who might benefit the most from liberal economic ideas and social programs."