Dispute in Neighborhood of Ponca Sweat Lodge in Omaha

March 18, 2003

Source: The Omaha World-Herald

On March 18, 2003 The Omaha World-Herald printed an editorial stating that "Rose Rose has won permission from city fire marshals to have a sweat lodge in her back yard in southwest Omaha for another year. The decision, while it doesn't please everyone, was for the best... Rose, of the Northern Ponca and Santee Sioux tribes, uses the sweat lodge for spiritual purposes. It is an important cleansing and purifying ritual for many Indian tribes. That should earn her more leeway - and perhaps more understanding from her neighbors, who object to the smoke that comes from the fire pit... While most Omahans don't follow religions that have such practices, it's better if they can live with those who do. A legitimate outdoor religious activity deserves consideration, whether it be a sunrise Mass, a twilight memorial service or something else."