Curriculum Watchdog Recommends Teaching About UK's Six Major Religions in Public Schools

April 27, 2004

Source: The Independent


On April 27, 2004 The Independent reported, "Children should begin to learn about another religion alongside Christianity from the age of five, according to new government guidelines on teaching religious education published yesterday. By the time they have finished compulsory education, they should have learnt about the six principal religions represented in the UK - Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. A report drawn up by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) - the government's curriculum and examinations watchdog, says: 'It is important that schools make every effort to ensure that during their school life pupils encounter the principal religions.' The report also calls on young people to study other minority religious traditions, singling out the Baha'i faith, Jainism and Zoroastrianism, in particular. Pupils should also consider secular philosophies, such as humanism 'in considering ultimate questions and ethical issues,' the report adds. The document says that pupils should be able to study minority religions that have a following in their community...Yesterday's report was broadly welcomed by all the faith groups."