Controversy over Religious Rights of Pagans in the Military

May 18, 1999

Source: No source given.

On May 18, 1999, Representative Bob Barr's press release called for the exclusion of the Wiccan religion and Witchcraft from the countries' military bases. Barr's attack has been countered by many voices from within the Pagan community. The Witches' Voice reports that "John Machate, Coordinator/CEO of the Military Pagan Network responded in a letter to Congressman Barr, "This is a direct attack on the Constitution of the United States. All religions are protected, not just those that Congress, the President or the Supreme Court determine. All religions are and should be permitted free practice on military bases, within reasonable limits, to insure that the service can accomplish its mission, and to quote Chief Justice Rehnquist, 'foster instinctive obedience, unity, commitment, and esprit de corps...' . Wicca, also known as witchcraft, in no way prevents the military from accomplishing its goals. By allowing service members and dependants to worship on post they are increasing morale of the troops and families as well as fulfilling their Constitutional obligation."" Lady Liberty League is maintaining an updated news alert as this situation progresses.