Controversy Over Participation in Interfaith Service

July 20, 2002

Source: The Washington Post

On July 20, 2002, The Washington Post reported that "last month, the Rev. Wallace Schulz of Pacific, Missouri, a vice president of the church,... suspended a New York pastor for joining... an interfaith service at Yankee Stadium after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks." Schulz was, until recently, the main host of 'The Lutheran Hour,' "a St. Louis-based gospel program carried by more than 1,000 radio stations [and]... the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod's most prominent pulpit...    [But] deluged with criticism of [Schulz's] decision, the executive committee of Lutheran Hour Ministries... voted this month to suspend Schulz as the main preacher" on the show. Following the decision, "the radio show was immediately engulfed in controversy, according to Jim Telle, a spokesman for Lutheran Hour Ministries."