Conservative Christians Blast Supreme Court at Justice Sunday II

August 15, 2005

Source: Beliefnet

Wire Service: RNS

On August 15, 2005 Religion News Service reported, "Conservative religious and political leaders on Sunday dismissed charges that they are trying to legislate their religious beliefs, arguing instead God commands them to speak out against a Supreme Court that they say is at odds with most Americans' morals. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, joined Focus on the Family founder James Dobson and others at Two Rivers Baptist Church to affirm their support for Supreme Court nominee John Roberts at 'Justice Sunday II'... Justice Sunday II came weeks before the Sept. 6 start of confirmation hearings for Roberts' seat on the court. Speakers at Justice Sunday II, warning that more change could come as the court takes up issues such as abortion and gay marriage, urged churchgoers to rally friends and fellow parishioners, lobby elected leaders, and pray. Critics, from the National Council of Churches and Interfaith Alliance, denounced the event for blurring the separation of church and state. Organized protests were held Sunday, with some two dozen protesters lined up outside the church with signs denouncing 'Hypocrisy Sunday.'"