Chinese Zen Monk Spends a Month in Australian Suburbia

November 24, 2003

Source: The Courier Mail,5936,7955618%255E3102,00.html

On November 24, 2003 The Courier Mail reported, "Two weeks ago Master Shi Yan Zheng traded his spartan room in a mountaintop monastery in China for the spare bedroom of a family home at Brisbane's Alexandra Hills. There, beside the clothesline and brick barbecue in the backyard, he practices the blend of zen and kung fu which have taken him to supreme levels of mental and physical fitness...Zheng, who joined the temple at 13, first visited Australia in February with the 24-man Shaolin Warriors stage show and is the first monk to be officially dispatched to teach on our shores, albeit for only a month. It is seen as part of a push by the Shaolin Temple abbot, Shi Yong Xin, to regain recognition for the temple as the birthplace of kung fu."