Catholics Host Gathering of Members of Various Faiths

April 21, 2008

Author: Regina Xie

Source: Catholic News


Representatives from the Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh and Muslim communities gathered for fellowship at St. Joseph's Institution International (SJI International) on Apr 12.

Organized by the Archdiocesan Council for Inter-Religious and Ecumenical Dialogue (IRED), the programme included a performance by a choir formed by students of SJI International, a talk by Brother Michael Broughton on the meaning of Easter, and explanation of the parts of the SJI International chapel, where the main parts of the programme were conducted.

In his talk, Brother Michael described Easter practices of Catholics using humour and relating them to practices of other religions. “It is not a good idea to invite Christians to a barbeque party on Good Friday,” he joked. About Jesusʼ resurrection, he said, “When Jesus rose after his death, he was not a ghost – he could eat!”