Buddhist Immersion

February 3, 2008


Source: The Buddhist Channel/The Observer


Waking up in the peaceful stillness of the California wilderness, he remembers that it is his turn to cook breakfast. After a few inventive attempts at waking his roommate, they work together to cook pancakes for the rest of the volunteers.

After congregating around a huge stone fireplace to eat a breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit, most of which they helped grow themselves, the volunteers meet at the construction site at 7 a.m. for Kum Nye — Tibetan yoga — to stretch and loosen up for work.

Those who chose to do so would join hands in a circle and say a Tibetan prayer for a safe and productive day, voices resonating off each other in a song-like chant of an old, foreign tongue.

This was a typical morning for Josh Ibach of Dunkirk during his three-month stay as a volunteer at Odiyan Buddhist Retreat Center in Berkeley, Calif.