Baha'i Community a Growing Presence at Homewood

October 2, 2008

Author: Sarah Capponi

Source: The Johns Hopkins News-Letter

While Baha'i is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world, its representation at Hopkins is very small. There are an estimated eight or nine practicing Baha'is between all of the affiliated Hopkins campuses.

If not for the presence of practicing Baha'is in the surrounding Baltimore community, there would be virtually no representation of the Baha'i faith on campus.

Though Baha'i is growing worldwide, the "local spiritual assembly" of Baha'is in Baltimore only includes approximately 75 people. However, Baha'i includes all races and peoples.

Pete McGraw, a recent convert to Baha'i, noted, "Wherever the Baha'i seem to be present, there seems to be a very diverse following body."