Animal Rights Activists Cite Inhumanities at Kosher Slaughterhouse

December 1, 2004

Source: The New York Times

On December 1, 2004 The New York Times reported, "an animal rights group released grisly undercover videotapes yesterday showing steers in a major kosher slaughterhouse in Iowa staggering and bellowing long after their throats were cut. The plant, run by AgriProcessors Inc. in Postville, Iowa, is being denounced as inhumane by the group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and by several experts on animal science and kosher practice. But the plant's supervising rabbi said the tapes were 'testimony that this is being done right.' And representatives of the Orthodox Union, the leading organization that certifies kosher products, said that while the pictures were not pretty, they did not make the case that the slaughterhouse had violated kosher law. The plant is the country's largest producer of meat certified as glatt kosher, the highest standard for cleanliness under kosher law."