Masyarakat Dialog Antara Agama (MADIA); Society for Inter-Religious Dialogue (SIDA)

As of 5 May 2020, this organization was no longer operating

Country: Indonesia
Type of Organization: Interfaith
Constructive Practices: Promotion of Inter-Religious Dialogue, Press Relations, Information Dissemination

Mission: "We, the members of SIDA, an organization representing people from all religious denominations bound together by individual religious beliefs which celebrate and give thanks for diversity, which we see as a gift from the One Almighty God, The Creator and Protector of Life, call on all well-intentioned people and parties to sincerely strive to:

1. Respect and celebrate diversity, which is a gift from God the Creator and Protector of Life.
2. Cease all political engineering practices that use religious symbols to nurture a culture of violence in Indonesia.
3. Stop all divisive practices which pit religious, ethnic, racial and social groups against one another, and which, if unchecked, will lead to the destruction of society and the nation as a whole.
4. Work to create a climate and opportunities for meetings between diverse religions, ethnic groups, races and social groupings, which allow honest, open, critical and respectful discussions between them.
5. Promote dialogue and compassion as means for resolving political disputes, conflicts of interest and differences of perception.
6. Demand responsibility and accountability from the political elite and power-holders for all abuses of diversity, which have placed a heavy burden on the people of Indonesia."

MADIA (Society for Inter-Religious Dialogue) is the second oldest Indonesian organization involved in inter-religious dialogue. Established in 1996 in Jakarta, MADIA started several multilateral and bilateral (Muslim-Christian) dialogue projects. These projects are aimed at Indonesian religious leaders and youth. MADIA operates on an issue basis. Started in 2002, their most recent project is concentrated on the cultural and political question concerning the implementation of the shariah law, with an emphasis on its gender dimensions.

MADIA grew out of discussions among individuals and groups with diverse religious roots. One of the most important issues to emerge from this discussion is the urgency to create a group which advocates religious unity in Indonesia. On 10 November 1996, which coincidentally is Indonesia's National Hero's Day, these individuals and groups decided to meet to share their concerns and hopes about religious unity in Indonesia in the office of the now defunct KAIROS, a church-based monthly magazine. In that meeting, there were participants from a wide variety of religious backgrounds: Paramadina, KWI (Indonesian Bishops' Conference), The Center for Research and Development of the Indonesian Churches Association (PGI), IAIN (National Institute of Islamic Religion) Jakarta, and KAIROS as the host. During this meeting, various issues regarding the question of religious differences in Indonesia were raised and different solutions were discussed. This meeting signified the beginning of MADIA as an active interfaith group in Indonesia.

Programs and Events:
MADIA has initiated a number of multilateral and bilateral dialogue projects. One of the multilateral events was the dialogue sessions with Buddhists, the Brahma Kumari Sisters and Confucians in Indonesia. In terms of bilateral dialogue projects, MADIA frequently organizes Muslim-Christian dialogue conferences.