Anti-Defamation League Calls Easterbrook's Apology "Insufficient"

October 17, 2003

Source: Anti-Defamation League

On October 17, 2003 Anti-Defamation League stated that "today's mea culpa by New Republic Senior Editor Gregg Easterbrook for his anti-Semitic writings on the Hollywood film industry was 'insufficient,' and called on Easterbrook and the magazine to make a clear statement of apology. " Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, said in a statement that " by injecting religion into his criticism about the film industry – in his identifying Harvey Weinstein of Miramax and Michael Eisner of Disney as Jewish – Mr. Easterbrook summons up classic stereotypes that Jews are greedy, money-grubbing and morally deficient.  His column feeds into the classic canard of'Jewish control" of Hollywood, a charge that has led to blaming Jews for contributing to the general decline of society through their 'control' of popular culture. Sadly, instead of making a clear apology and a rejection of anti-Semitic stereotypes, Mr. Easterbrook says he 'wrote poorly' and was misunderstood. "